阅读历史 |

4终落的泪(3 / 3)


ould like to think that you would stick around

You know that I'd just die to make you proud

The taste the touch the way we love

It all comes down to make the sound of our love song

鈥︹︹︹︹?br />

鈥︹︹︹?br />

鈥斺斺斺斺斺?br />

鐢蜂富璁$畻鏈虹郴鐨勶紝鑱屼笟鍜屽叕鍙稿叏鏄瀻缂栫殑锛屼笉涓撲笟璇峰鍖呮兜銆?br />

姝屾槸 Lana Del Rey 鐨勩奓ove Song銆?br />

